Today, we’re talking about how to approach your relationship with your development director. As I state in my book The Sustainable High ROI Fundraising System: “Often, the […]
So, how do you afford to hire development staff who are skilled, qualified, and experienced, especially if you are a small to midsized nonprofit? Don’t these […]
In today’s job market, it’s not easy to replace lost workers. Fifty-three percent of nonprofit executive directors say they cannot find enough qualified employees to fill […]
In addition to a decreased capacity in service delivery, nonprofits are paying a high financial price because of The Great Resignation. On average, it costs 90-200 […]
This article is about finding the money for nonprofit training and professional development. While many nonprofits understand the importance of investing in continuing education, many of […]
This article stresses the importance of self-care for busy nonprofit leaders who are working sixty-hour-plus workweeks, have no time to tend to personal needs, and want […]
This article is about how we, as nonprofit leaders, can ensure staff perform at their best. Leadership is fundamentally about facilitating performance, getting others to do […]
As I explain in The Sustainable High ROI Fundraising System, “Although your fundraising staff are responsible for implementing specific fundraising activities, you also bear some responsibility for […]
This week, I give you excerpts from my book The Sustainable High ROI Fundraising System to guide you in hiring fundraising staff. The Development Director’s Role “A development […]