According to BoardSource, fundraising tops the list of board challenges, as it has since they first started collecting these data in 1994. In multiple studies, fundraising […]
What are your plans to increase revenues in 2022? Execute more fundraising activities? Get more participation in current efforts? Go after completely new donors? You can […]
A nonprofit board has a fiscal duty to make sure that resources are raised and allocated to meet the organization’s missions. Often, however, boards have unrealistic […]
To be successful at fundraising, you need to learn from previous fundraising experiences, either yours or someone else’s. Look at what your nonprofit has done […]
In Measuring Overall Fundraising Performance we talked about the difference between gross and net income and how net income is a better indicator of fundraising success than gross […]
Data collection may not be the most exciting part of fundraising but gathering and analyzing it is crucial to fundraising success. Data is used in budgeting, […]
Fundraising and marketing are similar to each other in many ways. Fundraising is concerned about building donor relationships that result in charitable contributions. Marketing is about […]