This article is about understanding and dealing with people’s reactions to change. People react to change in predictable ways, as do organizations, and they generally don’t […]
How engaged are your board members? According to a Boardable survey, 50 percent of respondents said that they felt more passionate and engaged about the importance […]
According to BoardSource, fundraising tops the list of board challenges, as it has since they first started collecting these data in 1994. In multiple studies, fundraising […]
As I state in The Sustainable High ROI Fundraising System, “Fundraising is a charged word, and there are different perceptions of what it means. Many of them are […]
As I muse in my latest book The Sustainable High ROI Fundraising System: Ever heard anything like the following from your board members? I have. “If we […]
Actions speak louder than words. As we pointed out in Overcoming Why Board Members Don’t Fundraise, one of the reasons why board members don’t engage in raising […]
To really excite your board about fundraising, focus on a transformational fundraising strategy rather than a transactional one. If your board is reluctant to fundraise, you […]
Board members may resist fundraising. They may see raising money as solely management’s responsibility, not knowing their proper role. Or they get caught up in all […]