Research proves it. More and more companies are addressing the rising importance of philanthropy by engaging employees in charitable causes. For example, they include favored nonprofits […]
Why do donors give? Different types of donors, that is individuals, foundations, and businesses, are motivated to give for different reasons. Individuals People are driven by […]
How do you get a business to entertain your donation request? Differentiate your nonprofit, that is, stand out from all the other nonprofits with their hands […]
A value proposition is a promise of substance to be delivered, communicated, and acknowledged through purchase of a product. From the customer’s point to view, a […]
Probably the biggest principle to remember about developing relationships with for-profit businesses, is that you are entering into an exchange relationship where both parties give and […]
Business professionals often speak a language foreign to many nonprofit practitioners. To be able to connect with them so they easily understand you, you need to […]
Congratulations! The company you targeted acknowledged the benefits of partnering with your nonprofit and you’re close to a deal. How do seal it? Make No Assumptions […]
In Creating Awareness in the Business Community we talked about how you can raise your nonprofit’s visibility to the business community. In Helping Business Professionals Meet Their Goals we discussed […]
How can you get community businesses to pay attention to you? Help them meet their goals. Know what their goals are: increasing visibility, acquiring customers, keeping […]