Every nonprofit I know has suffered greatly under COVID-19. As revenues declined and expenses went up, many nonprofits have had to reduce services. There may be […]
As every fundraiser knows, donors are a set of very diverse of people. Characteristics vary by age, gender, ethnicity, education, and socio-economic status among others. But […]
Segmenting your donors into age grouping, researching those age cohorts and using the information to then develop specific fundraising techniques that appeal to each separate generational […]
In the past four blogs, we have covered the generation characteristics of the Greatest Generation, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers and Millennials. We referred you to the […]
As we have discussed in previous blogs, to achieve the best results from your fundraising campaigns you must customize your fundraising activities to reach specific audiences. […]
Different fundraising techniques are successful at reaching different generational donor cohorts. Figuring out which fundraising techniques will be successful with different generational groups is part of […]
To effectively communicate with donors, you need to engage them first. c It’s a relationship. It’s a two-way street. To be a successful relationship, each party will […]
Fundraising and marketing are similar to each other in many ways. Fundraising is concerned about building donor relationships that result in charitable contributions. Marketing is about […]