This article is about finding the money for nonprofit training and professional development. While many nonprofits understand the importance of investing in continuing education, many of […]
This article is about taming your fundraising fears. To explain, you’re getting an excerpt from my latest book, The ROI Mindset: How to Raise More Money with […]
This article stresses the importance of self-care for busy nonprofit leaders who are working sixty-hour-plus workweeks, have no time to tend to personal needs, and want […]
This article is about how to make your vision a reality. Last week in 3 Steps Toward Achieving Your Wildest Dreams we talked about the role visioning plays in […]
This article is about how we, as nonprofit leaders, can ensure staff perform at their best. Leadership is fundamentally about facilitating performance, getting others to do […]
This article is about empowering you to raise big money while still having a life outside work. Imagine having enough money to not only meet expenses […]
A good fundraiser may or may not perform well for you because many factors that are out of their control influence their results. For example, community […]
As I state in The Sustainable High ROI Fundraising System, “Fundraising is a charged word, and there are different perceptions of what it means. Many of them are […]
As I explain in The Sustainable High ROI Fundraising System, “Although your fundraising staff are responsible for implementing specific fundraising activities, you also bear some responsibility for […]